Charles J. Lada
Most of what we know about the origins of stars and plantets we have
learned in the past quarter century, yet the question of stellar
origins is among the oldest in astronomy. In order to understand star
formation in the scientific sense one must first understand the very
nature of stars themselves. In this lecture I explore the quest to
decipher the nature of stars and stellar origins and address the
question of why it took so long for star formation to become an active
branch of modern astronomical research. I will review ideas and
concepts of stellar origins from the ancient Greeks to Newton and then
to William Herschel who in the eighteenth century proposed a
surprisingly modern picture of star formation. I will discuss the
"dark ages" of the nineteenth century when the infusion of new
techonolgy aided by physics setback research in this field for nearly a
century. Finally I will review the advances in physics and astronomy
in the early twentieth century (including the critical discoveries of
the composition and energy generation of stars) that set the stage for
the renaissance in star formation research that began in mid to late
twentieth century and continues today.
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