Math function symbols
Functions like "log" or "cos" are normally used in math mode. However, in
math mode strings of letters are treated as a product of variables, which
would normally be displayed in math italics rather than a text font which
would be appropriate for these functions. To
get proper display of such functions they are generated with LaTeX commands.
Some of these commands are
- \arccos
- \arcsin
- \arctan
- \cos
- \cosh
- \cot
- \coth
- \csc
- \deg
- \det
- \dim
- \exp
- \gcd
- \hom
- \inf
- \ker
- \lg
- \lim
- \liminf
- \limsup
- \ln
- \log
- \max
- \min
- \sec
- \sin
- \sinh
- \sup
- \tan
- \tanh
Two commands are provided for the "modulus" function
The former would be used to write "a mod b" as
a \bmod b
and the latter, which requires an argument that is displayed in parentheses,
would be used to write "n = i (mod j)" as
n = i \pmod{j}
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Revised: Sheldon Green, 25 April 1995.