D5: QR decomposition, Gram--Schmidt orthogonalization

F01QGF   RQ factorization of real m by n upper trapezoidal matrix (m ≤ n)
F01QJF   RQ factorization of real m by n matrix (m ≤ n)
F01QKF   Operations with orthogonal matrices, form rows of Q, after RQ factorization by F01QJF
F01RGF   RQ factorization of complex m by n upper trapezoidal matrix (m ≤ n)
F01RJF   RQ factorization of complex m by n matrix (m ≤ n)
F01RKF   Operations with unitary matrices, form rows of Q, after RQ factorization by F01RJF
F05AAF   Gram–Schmidt orthogonalisation of n vectors of order m
F06QPF   QR factorization by sequence of plane rotations, rank-1 update of real upper triangular matrix
F06QQF   QR factorization by sequence of plane rotations, real upper triangular matrix augmented by a full row
F06QRF   QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, real upper Hessenberg matrix
F06QSF   QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, real upper spiked matrix
F06QTF   QR factorization of UZ or RQ factorization of ZU, U real upper triangular, Z a sequence of plane rotations
F06TPF   QR factorization by sequence of plane rotations, rank-1 update of complex upper triangular matrix
F06TQF   QR × k factorization by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper triangular matrix augmented by a full row
F06TRF   QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper Hessenberg matrix
F06TSF   QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper spiked matrix
F06TTF   QR factorization of UZ or RQ factorization of ZU, U complex upper triangular, Z a sequence of plane rotations
F08AEF   QR factorization of real general rectangular matrix
F08AFF   Form all or part of orthogonal Q from QR factorization determined by F08AEF or F08BEF
F08AGF   Apply orthogonal transformation determined by F08AEF or F08BEF
F08AHF   LQ factorization of real general rectangular matrix
F08AJF   Form all or part of orthogonal Q from LQ factorization determined by F08AHF
F08AKF   Apply orthogonal transformation determined by F08AHF
F08ASF   QR factorization of complex general rectangular matrix
F08ATF   Form all or part of unitary Q from QR factorization determined by F08ASF or F08BSF
F08AUF   Apply unitary transformation determined by F08ASF or F08BSF
F08AVF   LQ factorization of complex general rectangular matrix
F08AWF   Form all or part of unitary Q from LQ factorization determined by F08AVF
F08AXF   Apply unitary transformation determined by F08AVF
F08BEF   QR factorization of real general rectangular matrix with column pivoting
F08BSF   QR factorization of complex general rectangular matrix with column pivoting

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© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2001