Class VariableStack


public class VariableStack
extends java.util.Stack

**For internal use only** Defines a class to keep track of a stack for template arguments and variables. The VariableStack extends Stack, and each element in the stack is a stack frame, i.e. a Stack itself. The zero element is the global stack frame. Note: Someone recently made the suggestion that the globals should not be kept at the bottom of the stack, but should be implemented in a hash table.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Constructor for a variable stack.
Method Summary
 int getContextPos()
          Get the current context position.
 Arg getParamArg(QName qname)
          Get the variable argument.
 int getSearchStart()
          Get the position to start the search, or -1 if the search should start from the top.
 int getSearchStartOrTop()
          Get the position from where the search should start, which is either the searchStart property, or the top of the stack if that value is -1.
 XObject getVariable(XPathContext xctxt, QName name)
          Given a name, return an object representing the value.
 void markGlobalStackFrame()
          Mark the top of the global stack frame.
 void popContextPosition()
          Pop the current context position onto the contextPositions.
 void popCurrentContext()
          Pop the current context from the current context stack.
 void popElemFrame()
          Pop the current context from the current context stack.
 void pushContextMarker()
          Push the current top of the stack as a context marker into the variables stack to let us know when to stop searching for a var.
 void pushContextPosition(int pos)
          Push a context marker onto the contextPositions stack to let us know when to stop searching for a var.
 void pushElemFrame()
          Push an argument onto the stack.
 void pushOrReplaceVariable(QName qname, XObject xval)
          Push an argument onto the stack, or replace it if it already exists.
 void pushVariable(QName qname, XObject val)
          Push an argument onto the stack.
 void pushVariableArg(Arg arg)
          Push an argument onto the stack.
 void remarkParams()
          Re-mark the variables in the current frame as all being parameters.
 void setSearchStart(int startPos)
          Set where to start the current search for a variable.
 boolean variableIsDeclared(QName qname)
          Tell if a variable or parameter is already declared, either in the current context or in the global space.
Methods inherited from class java.util.Stack
empty, peek, pop, push, search
Methods inherited from class java.util.Vector
add, add, addAll, addAll, addElement, capacity, clear, clone, contains, containsAll, copyInto, elementAt, elements, ensureCapacity, equals, firstElement, get, hashCode, indexOf, indexOf, insertElementAt, isEmpty, lastElement, lastIndexOf, lastIndexOf, remove, remove, removeAll, removeAllElements, removeElement, removeElementAt, retainAll, set, setElementAt, setSize, size, subList, toArray, toArray, toString, trimToSize
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractList
iterator, listIterator, listIterator
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public VariableStack()
Constructor for a variable stack.
Method Detail


public void setSearchStart(int startPos)
Set where to start the current search for a variable. If this is -1, the search should start at the top of the stack.
startPos - The position to start the search, or -1 if the search should start from the top.


public int getSearchStartOrTop()
Get the position from where the search should start, which is either the searchStart property, or the top of the stack if that value is -1.
The position from where the search should start, which is always greater than or equal to zero.


public int getSearchStart()
Get the position to start the search, or -1 if the search should start from the top.
The position to start the search, or -1 if the search should start from the top.


public void markGlobalStackFrame()
Mark the top of the global stack frame.


public void pushContextPosition(int pos)
Push a context marker onto the contextPositions stack to let us know when to stop searching for a var. This operation usually corresponds to the start of a template.


public void popContextPosition()
Pop the current context position onto the contextPositions. This operation usually corresponds to the ending of a template.


public int getContextPos()
Get the current context position.
The context marker into the stack to let us know when to stop searching for a var.


public void pushContextMarker()
Push the current top of the stack as a context marker into the variables stack to let us know when to stop searching for a var. This operation usually corresponds to the start of a template.


public void popCurrentContext()
Pop the current context from the current context stack.


public void pushOrReplaceVariable(QName qname,
                                  XObject xval)
Push an argument onto the stack, or replace it if it already exists. Don't forget to call startContext before pushing a series of arguments for a given macro call.
qname - The qualified name of the variable.
val - The wrapped value of the variable.


public void remarkParams()
Re-mark the variables in the current frame as all being parameters.


public void pushVariable(QName qname,
                         XObject val)
Push an argument onto the stack. Don't forget to call startContext before pushing a series of arguments for a given macro call.
qname - The qualified name of the variable.
val - The wrapped value of the variable.


public void pushVariableArg(Arg arg)
Push an argument onto the stack. Don't forget to call startContext before pushing a series of arguments for a given macro call.
arg - The variable argument.


public boolean variableIsDeclared(QName qname)
                           throws TransformerException
Tell if a variable or parameter is already declared, either in the current context or in the global space.
qname - The qualified name of the variable.
true if the variable is already declared.
TransformerException -  


public Arg getParamArg(QName qname)
                throws TransformerException
Get the variable argument.
qname - The qualified name of the variable.
the argument object.
TransformerException -  


public XObject getVariable(XPathContext xctxt,
                           QName name)
                    throws TransformerException
Given a name, return an object representing the value.
qname - The qualified name of the variable.
The wrapped value of the variable.
TransformerException -  


public void pushElemFrame()
Push an argument onto the stack. Don't forget to call startContext before pushing a series of arguments for a given macro call.


public void popElemFrame()
Pop the current context from the current context stack.

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