Uses of Class

Packages that use Compiler
org.apache.xpath.axes Implementation of XPath LocationPath support -- primary classes are LocPathIterator and UnionPathIterator. 
org.apache.xpath.compiler Implements an XPath parser which produces an OpMap, and a so-called Compiler which produces an expression tree for fast evaluation. 

Uses of Compiler in org.apache.xpath.axes

Methods in org.apache.xpath.axes with parameters of type Compiler
 void AxesWalker.init(Compiler compiler, int opPos, int stepType)
          Initialize an AxesWalker during the parse of the XPath expression.
static LocPathIterator WalkerFactory.newLocPathIterator(Compiler compiler, int opPos)
          Create a new LocPathIterator iterator.
 void FilterExprWalker.init(Compiler compiler, int opPos, int stepType)
          Init a FilterExprWalker.

Constructors in org.apache.xpath.axes with parameters of type Compiler
LocPathIterator.LocPathIterator(Compiler compiler, int opPos, int analysis)
          Create a LocPathIterator object, including creation of step walkers from the opcode list, and call back into the Compiler to create predicate expressions.
LocPathIterator.LocPathIterator(Compiler compiler, int opPos, int analysis, boolean shouldLoadWalkers)
          Create a LocPathIterator object, including creation of step walkers from the opcode list, and call back into the Compiler to create predicate expressions.
ChildIterator.ChildIterator(Compiler compiler, int opPos, int analysis)
          Create a ChildIterator object.
DescendantIterator.DescendantIterator(Compiler compiler, int opPos, int analysis)
          Create a DescendantIterator object.
AttributeIterator.AttributeIterator(Compiler compiler, int opPos, int analysis)
          Create a AttributeIterator object.
UnionPathIterator.UnionPathIterator(Compiler compiler, int opPos)
          Create a UnionPathIterator object, including creation of location path iterators from the opcode list, and call back into the Compiler to create predicate expressions.
ChildTestIterator.ChildTestIterator(Compiler compiler, int opPos, int analysis)
          Create a ChildTestIterator object.

Uses of Compiler in org.apache.xpath.compiler

Methods in org.apache.xpath.compiler with parameters of type Compiler
 void XPathParser.initXPath(Compiler compiler, java.lang.String expression, PrefixResolver namespaceContext)
          Given an string, init an XPath object for selections, in order that a parse doesn't have to be done each time the expression is evaluated.
 void XPathParser.initMatchPattern(Compiler compiler, java.lang.String expression, PrefixResolver namespaceContext)
          Given an string, init an XPath object for pattern matches, in order that a parse doesn't have to be done each time the expression is evaluated.

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