Interface SaxEventDispatch

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SaxEventDispatch

This class allows a node to implement an interface that will allow it to dispatch a SAX ContentHandler event to a ContentHandler. This is especially useful in those cases where you want the node to be able to dispatch a character event, but don't want to cause it to make a string.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String SUPPORTSINTERFACE
          The URL to pass to the Node#supports method, to see if the node supports this interface.
Method Summary
 void dispatchCharactersEvent(ContentHandler ch)
          If a node supports this interface, it can directly call an appropriate method on the passed ContentHandler.

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String SUPPORTSINTERFACE
The URL to pass to the Node#supports method, to see if the node supports this interface.
Method Detail


public void dispatchCharactersEvent(ContentHandler ch)
                             throws SAXException
If a node supports this interface, it can directly call an appropriate method on the passed ContentHandler. For instance, a text node will call the characters method. This is for optimization purposes, when the node may have information not easily accessible, which it can pass directly to the sax event. For instance, the text node may be able to directly pass a char array, and thus not have to create a String object at all.
ch - A non-null reference to a ContentHandler.
SAXException -  

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