Uses of Class

Packages that use ElemTemplateElement
org.apache.xalan.processor Parses an XSLT stylesheet document (which may include and import other stylesheet documents) and produces a StylesheetRoot (a TRaX Templates object). 
org.apache.xalan.templates Implements the Templates interface, and defines a set of classes that represent an XSLT stylesheet. 
org.apache.xalan.trace Implementation of Xalan Trace events, for use by a debugger. 
org.apache.xalan.transformer In charge of run-time transformations and the production of result trees. 

Uses of ElemTemplateElement in org.apache.xalan.processor

Subclasses of ElemTemplateElement in org.apache.xalan.processor
 class CompiledTemplate

Uses of ElemTemplateElement in org.apache.xalan.templates

Subclasses of ElemTemplateElement in org.apache.xalan.templates
 class DecimalFormatProperties
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:decimal-format.
 class ElemApplyImport
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:apply-imports.
 class ElemApplyTemplates
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:apply-templates.
 class ElemAttribute
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:attribute.
 class ElemAttributeSet
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:attribute-set.
 class ElemCallTemplate
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:call-template.
 class ElemChoose
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:choose.
 class ElemComment
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:comment.
 class ElemCopy
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:copy.
 class ElemCopyOf
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:copy-of.
 class ElemElement
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:element
 class ElemEmpty
          **For internal use only** Simple empty elem to push on the stack when nothing else got pushed, so that pop() works correctly.
 class ElemExtensionCall
          **For advanced use only** Implement an extension element.
 class ElemExtensionDecl
          **For internal use only** Implement the declaration of an extension element
 class ElemExtensionScript
          **For internal use only** Implement Script extension element
 class ElemFallback
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:fallback.
 class ElemForEach
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:for-each.
 class ElemIf
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:if.
 class ElemLiteralResult
          **For advanced use only** Implement a Literal Result Element.
 class ElemMessage
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:message.
 class ElemNumber
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:number.
 class ElemOtherwise
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:otherwise.
 class ElemParam
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:param.
 class ElemPI
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:processing-instruction.
 class ElemSort
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:sort.
 class ElemTemplate
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:template.
 class ElemText
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:template.
 class ElemTextLiteral
          **For advanced use only** Implement a text literal.
 class ElemUnknown
          **For advanced use only** Implement a Literal Result Element.
 class ElemUse
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:use.
 class ElemValueOf
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:value-of.
 class ElemVariable
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:variable.
 class ElemWhen
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:when.
 class ElemWithParam
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:with-param.
 class KeyDeclaration
          **For internal use only** Holds the attribute declarations for the xsl:keys element.
 class NamespaceAlias
          Object to hold an xsl:namespace element.
 class OutputProperties
          This class provides information from xsl:output elements.
 class Stylesheet
          Represents a stylesheet element.
 class StylesheetComposed
          Represents a stylesheet that has methods that resolve includes and imports.
 class StylesheetRoot
           This class represents the root object of the stylesheet tree.
 class WhiteSpaceInfo
          This is used as a special "fake" template that can be handled by the TemplateList to do pattern matching on nodes.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.templates that return ElemTemplateElement
 ElemTemplateElement ElemTemplateElement.getParentElem()
          Get the parent as an ElemTemplateElement.
 ElemTemplateElement ElemTemplateElement.getNextSiblingElem()
          Get the next sibling (as a ElemTemplateElement) or return null.
 ElemTemplateElement ElemTemplateElement.getFirstChildElem()
          Get the first child as a ElemTemplateElement.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.templates with parameters of type ElemTemplateElement
 Node ElemTemplateElement.removeChild(ElemTemplateElement childETE)
          Remove a child.
 void ElemForEach.transformSelectedNodes(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, ElemTemplateElement template, QName mode)
          **For advanced use only** Perform a query if needed, and call transformNode for each child.

Uses of ElemTemplateElement in org.apache.xalan.trace

Fields in org.apache.xalan.trace declared as ElemTemplateElement
 ElemTemplateElement TracerEvent.m_styleNode
          The node in the style tree where the event occurs.
 ElemTemplateElement SelectionEvent.m_styleNode
          The node in the style tree where the event occurs.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.trace with parameters of type ElemTemplateElement
 void TraceManager.fireTraceEvent(Node sourceNode, QName mode, ElemTemplateElement styleNode)
          Fire a trace event.
 void TraceManager.fireSelectedEvent(Node sourceNode, ElemTemplateElement styleNode, java.lang.String attributeName, XPath xpath, XObject selection)
          Fire a selection event.

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.trace with parameters of type ElemTemplateElement
TracerEvent.TracerEvent(TransformerImpl processor, Node sourceNode, QName mode, ElemTemplateElement styleNode)
          Create an event originating at the given node of the style tree.
SelectionEvent.SelectionEvent(TransformerImpl processor, Node sourceNode, ElemTemplateElement styleNode, java.lang.String attributeName, XPath xpath, XObject selection)
          Create an event originating at the given node of the style tree.

Uses of ElemTemplateElement in org.apache.xalan.transformer

Methods in org.apache.xalan.transformer that return ElemTemplateElement
 ElemTemplateElement TransformState.getCurrentElement()
          Retrieves the stylesheet element that produced the SAX event.
 ElemTemplateElement TransformerImpl.getCurrentElement()
          Retrieves the current ElemTemplateElement that is being executed.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.transformer with parameters of type ElemTemplateElement
 DocumentFragment TransformerImpl.transformToRTF(ElemTemplateElement templateParent, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          **For advanced use only** Given a stylesheet element, create a result tree fragment from it's contents.
 java.lang.String TransformerImpl.transformToString(ElemTemplateElement elem, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          **For advanced use only** Take the contents of a template element, process it, and convert it to a string.
 boolean TransformerImpl.applyTemplateToNode(ElemTemplateElement xslInstruction, ElemTemplateElement template, Node child, QName mode)
          **For advanced use only** Given an element and mode, find the corresponding template and process the contents.
 void TransformerImpl.executeChildTemplates(ElemTemplateElement elem, Node sourceNode, QName mode, ContentHandler handler)
          **For advanced use only** Execute each of the children of a template element.
 void TransformerImpl.executeChildTemplates(ElemTemplateElement elem, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          **For advanced use only** Execute each of the children of a template element.
 void TransformerImpl.executeChildTemplates(ElemTemplateElement elem, Node sourceNode, QName mode, boolean shouldAddAttrs)
          **For advanced use only** Execute each of the children of a template element.
 void TransformerImpl.pushElemTemplateElement(ElemTemplateElement elem)
          Push the current template element.
 void TransformerImpl.setCurrentElement(ElemTemplateElement e)
          Set the top of the current template elements stack.
 void TransformerImpl.pushPairCurrentMatched(ElemTemplateElement template, Node child)
          Push both the current xsl:template or xsl:for-each onto the stack, along with the child node that was matched.
 void StackGuard.push(ElemTemplateElement xslTemplate, Node sourceXML)
          Push in a StackGuard object mathing given template

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.transformer with parameters of type ElemTemplateElement
StackGuard.StackGuard(ElemTemplateElement xslTemplate, Node sourceXML)
          Constructor StackGuard

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