Uses of Class

Packages that use XObject
org.apache.xalan.lib Extension elements and functions shipped with Xalan-Java 
org.apache.xalan.templates Implements the Templates interface, and defines a set of classes that represent an XSLT stylesheet. 
org.apache.xalan.trace Implementation of Xalan Trace events, for use by a debugger. 
org.apache.xalan.transformer In charge of run-time transformations and the production of result trees. 
org.apache.xpath Implementation of XPath; for the most part, only classes meant for public use are found at this root level of the XPath packages. 
org.apache.xpath.axes Implementation of XPath LocationPath support -- primary classes are LocPathIterator and UnionPathIterator. 
org.apache.xpath.functions Implements XPath functions -- each function is derived from Function, FunctionOneArg, Function2Args, etc, with number-of-arguments checking being applied mainly at compile time -- this package only implements XPath functions, XSLT functions are found in the "templates" package. 
org.apache.xpath.objects Implementation of XPath polymorphic type objects -- this package will grow as XPath objects are expanded to support XML Schema data types. 
org.apache.xpath.operations Support for XPath operations, such as +, -, string(), etc. 
org.apache.xpath.patterns Implementation of XPath nodeTest support, and XSLT pattern matching support. 

Uses of XObject in org.apache.xalan.lib

Methods in org.apache.xalan.lib that return XObject
static XObject Extensions.evaluate(ExpressionContext myContext, java.lang.String xpathExpr)
          Returns the result of evaluating the argument as a string containing an XPath expression.

Uses of XObject in org.apache.xalan.templates

Subclasses of XObject in org.apache.xalan.templates
 class XUnresolvedVariable
          An instance of this class holds unto a variable until it is executed.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.templates that return XObject
 XObject FuncKey.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncFormatNumb.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncDocument.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject XUnresolvedVariable.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          For support of literal objects in xpaths.
 XObject ElemVariable.getValue(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode)
          Get the XObject representation of the variable.

Uses of XObject in org.apache.xalan.trace

Fields in org.apache.xalan.trace declared as XObject
 XObject SelectionEvent.m_selection
          The result of the selection.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.trace with parameters of type XObject
 void TraceManager.fireSelectedEvent(Node sourceNode, ElemTemplateElement styleNode, java.lang.String attributeName, XPath xpath, XObject selection)
          Fire a selection event.

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.trace with parameters of type XObject
SelectionEvent.SelectionEvent(TransformerImpl processor, Node sourceNode, ElemTemplateElement styleNode, java.lang.String attributeName, XPath xpath, XObject selection)
          Create an event originating at the given node of the style tree.

Uses of XObject in org.apache.xalan.transformer

Methods in org.apache.xalan.transformer with parameters of type XObject
 void ResultTreeHandler.outputResultTreeFragment(XObject obj, XPathContext support)
          Given a result tree fragment, walk the tree and output it to the result stream.

Uses of XObject in org.apache.xpath

Methods in org.apache.xpath that return XObject
abstract  XObject Expression.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute an expression in the XPath runtime context, and return the result of the expression.
 XObject XPath.execute(XPathContext xctxt, Node contextNode, PrefixResolver namespaceContext)
          **Experimental** Given an expression and a context, evaluate the XPath and call the callback as nodes are found.
static XObject XPathAPI.eval(Node contextNode, java.lang.String str)
          Evaluate XPath string to an XObject.
static XObject XPathAPI.eval(Node contextNode, java.lang.String str, Node namespaceNode)
          Evaluate XPath string to an XObject.
static XObject XPathAPI.eval(Node contextNode, java.lang.String str, PrefixResolver prefixResolver)
          Evaluate XPath string to an XObject.
 XObject VariableStack.getVariable(XPathContext xctxt, QName name)
          Given a name, return an object representing the value.
 XObject XPathContext.getVariable(QName qname)
          Given a name, locate a variable in the current context, and return the Object.
 XObject Arg.getVal()
          Get the value for this argument.

Methods in org.apache.xpath with parameters of type XObject
 void VariableStack.pushOrReplaceVariable(QName qname, XObject xval)
          Push an argument onto the stack, or replace it if it already exists.
 void VariableStack.pushVariable(QName qname, XObject val)
          Push an argument onto the stack.
 void Arg.setVal(XObject val)
          Set the value of this argument.

Constructors in org.apache.xpath with parameters of type XObject
Arg.Arg(QName qname, XObject val)
          Construct a parameter argument which has an XObject value.
Arg.Arg(QName qname, XObject val, boolean isParamVar)
          Construct a parameter argument.

Uses of XObject in org.apache.xpath.axes

Methods in org.apache.xpath.axes that return XObject
 XObject LocPathIterator.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute this iterator, meaning create a clone that can store state, and initialize it for fast execution from the current runtime state.
 XObject UnionPathIterator.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute this iterator, meaning create a clone that can store state, and initialize it for fast execution from the current runtime state.

Uses of XObject in org.apache.xpath.functions

Methods in org.apache.xpath.functions that return XObject
 XObject Function.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute an XPath function object.
 XObject FuncStartsWith.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncStringLength.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncNamespace.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncDoclocation.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncNormalizeSpace.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncTranslate.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncNot.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncExtFunction.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncLast.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncGenerateId.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncString.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncContains.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncFalse.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncLocalPart.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncSubstringBefore.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncExtElementAvailable.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncCeiling.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncSubstring.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncRound.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncTrue.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncSystemProperty.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncPosition.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncLang.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncSubstringAfter.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncConcat.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncFloor.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncCurrent.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncNumber.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncQname.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncCount.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncBoolean.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncUnparsedEntityURI.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncSum.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncId.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 XObject FuncExtFunctionAvailable.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.

Uses of XObject in org.apache.xpath.objects

Subclasses of XObject in org.apache.xpath.objects
 class XBoolean
          **For advanced use only** This class represents an XPath boolean object, and is capable of converting the boolean to other types, such as a string.
 class XBooleanStatic
          **For internal use only** This class doesn't have any XPathContext, so override whatever to ensure it works OK.
 class XNodeSet
           This class represents an XPath nodeset object, and is capable of converting the nodeset to other types, such as a string.
 class XNull
           This class represents an XPath null object, and is capable of converting the null to other types, such as a string.
 class XNumber
           This class represents an XPath number, and is capable of converting the number to other types, such as a string.
 class XRTreeFrag
           This class represents an XPath result tree fragment object, and is capable of converting the RTF to other types, such as a string.
 class XString
           This class represents an XPath string object, and is capable of converting the string to other types, such as a number.

Methods in org.apache.xpath.objects that return XObject
 XObject XObject.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          For support of literal objects in xpaths.
static XObject XObject.create(java.lang.Object val)
          Create the right XObject based on the type of the object passed.

Methods in org.apache.xpath.objects with parameters of type XObject
 boolean XObject.lessThan(XObject obj2)
          Tell if one object is less than the other.
 boolean XObject.lessThanOrEqual(XObject obj2)
          Tell if one object is less than or equal to the other.
 boolean XObject.greaterThan(XObject obj2)
          Tell if one object is greater than the other.
 boolean XObject.greaterThanOrEqual(XObject obj2)
          Tell if one object is greater than or equal to the other.
 boolean XObject.equals(XObject obj2)
          Tell if two objects are functionally equal.
 boolean XObject.notEquals(XObject obj2)
          Tell if two objects are functionally not equal.
 boolean XBoolean.equals(XObject obj2)
          Tell if two objects are functionally equal.
 boolean XBooleanStatic.equals(XObject obj2)
          Tell if two objects are functionally equal.
 boolean XString.equals(XObject obj2)
          Tell if two objects are functionally equal.
 boolean XRTreeFrag.equals(XObject obj2)
          Tell if two objects are functionally equal.
 boolean XNull.equals(XObject obj2)
          Tell if two objects are functionally equal.
 boolean XNumber.equals(XObject obj2)
          Tell if two objects are functionally equal.
 boolean obj2, org.apache.xpath.objects.Comparator comparator)
          Tell if one object is less than the other.
 boolean XNodeSet.lessThan(XObject obj2)
          Tell if one object is less than the other.
 boolean XNodeSet.lessThanOrEqual(XObject obj2)
          Tell if one object is less than or equal to the other.
 boolean XNodeSet.greaterThan(XObject obj2)
          Tell if one object is less than the other.
 boolean XNodeSet.greaterThanOrEqual(XObject obj2)
          Tell if one object is less than the other.
 boolean XNodeSet.equals(XObject obj2)
          Tell if two objects are functionally equal.
 boolean XNodeSet.notEquals(XObject obj2)
          Tell if two objects are functionally not equal.

Uses of XObject in org.apache.xpath.operations

Methods in org.apache.xpath.operations that return XObject
 XObject Operation.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute a binary operation by calling execute on each of the operands, and then calling the operate method on the derived class.
 XObject Operation.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Lt.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject UnaryOperation.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the operand and apply the unary operation to the result.
abstract  XObject UnaryOperation.operate(XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Bool.operate(XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Quo.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject And.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          AND two expressions and return the boolean result.
 XObject Or.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          OR two expressions and return the boolean result.
 XObject String.operate(XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Gt.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject NotEquals.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Lte.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Gte.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Div.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Neg.operate(XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Variable.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Dereference the variable, and return the reference value.
 XObject Number.operate(XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Plus.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Minus.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Equals.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Mod.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Mult.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.

Methods in org.apache.xpath.operations with parameters of type XObject
 XObject Operation.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Lt.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
abstract  XObject UnaryOperation.operate(XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Bool.operate(XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Quo.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject String.operate(XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Gt.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject NotEquals.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Lte.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Gte.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Div.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Neg.operate(XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Number.operate(XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Plus.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Minus.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Equals.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Mod.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.
 XObject Mult.operate(XObject left, XObject right)
          Apply the operation to two operands, and return the result.

Uses of XObject in org.apache.xpath.patterns

Methods in org.apache.xpath.patterns that return XObject
 XObject NodeTest.execute(XPathContext xctxt, Node context)
          Tell what the test score is for the given node.
 XObject NodeTest.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Test the current node to see if it matches the given node test.
 XObject StepPattern.executeStep(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute this pattern step, including predicates.
 XObject StepPattern.executeRelativePathPattern(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the match pattern step relative to another step.
 XObject StepPattern.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Test the current node to see if it matches the given node test, and if it does, and there is a relative path pattern, execute that to see if it matches also.
 XObject FunctionPattern.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Test a node to see if it matches the given node test.
 XObject UnionPattern.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Test a node to see if it matches any of the patterns in the union.
 XObject AncestorStepPattern.execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Overide the super method so that we can handle match patterns starting with a function such as id()/
 XObject AncestorStepPattern.executeRelativePathPattern(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the match pattern step relative to another step.

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