Group photoThe group photo of the workshop (courtesy of Luca Carbonaro) can be downloaded from here.
Space missions have shown that among the most abundant elements in the Universe, three of them, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, present isotopic enrichments (abundances larger than those of the Solar nebula) in comets, carbonaceous chondrites, and other pristine small Solar System bodies. How these enrichments took place, and what are the possible links with the host environment and its past chemical history, is still mysterious. The Premiale Project "Science and Technology in Italy for the upgraded ALMA Observatory - iALMA" has as one of the main goals to contribute to the development of a prototype Band 2+3 cartridge for ALMA, in cooperation with ESO and other partners. This Band is especially important for the study of deuterated species because the ground rotational transitions of many of them, together with those of their main species, lie in its frequency range. In the framework of iALMA, we propose a small workshop devoted to the study of not only deuteration but isotopic fractionation in general. The main goal of this well-focussed meeting will be to bring together observers, theoreticians and experimentalists interested in the fractionation of elements from any kind of astrophysical background: in particular, star formation in the Milky Way (from the early pre-stellar core phase up to the protoplanetary disk phase), small Solar System bodies, and chemical composition of Galaxies.
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PosterThe POSTER of the workshop is available here. |
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