Uses of Class

Packages that use QName
org.apache.xalan.extensions Implementation of Xalan Extension Mechanism. 
org.apache.xalan.processor Parses an XSLT stylesheet document (which may include and import other stylesheet documents) and produces a StylesheetRoot (a TRaX Templates object). 
org.apache.xalan.templates Implements the Templates interface, and defines a set of classes that represent an XSLT stylesheet. 
org.apache.xalan.trace Implementation of Xalan Trace events, for use by a debugger. 
org.apache.xalan.transformer In charge of run-time transformations and the production of result trees. 
org.apache.xml.utils Implementation of Xalan utility classes. 
org.apache.xpath Implementation of XPath; for the most part, only classes meant for public use are found at this root level of the XPath packages. 
org.apache.xpath.operations Support for XPath operations, such as +, -, string(), etc. 

Uses of QName in org.apache.xalan.extensions

Methods in org.apache.xalan.extensions that return QName
 QName XSLProcessorContext.getMode()
          Get the current mode being executed.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.extensions with parameters of type QName
abstract  void ExtensionHandler.processElement(java.lang.String localPart, Element element, TransformerImpl transformer, Stylesheet stylesheetTree, Node sourceTree, Node sourceNode, QName mode, java.lang.Object methodKey)
          Process a call to this extension namespace via an element.
 void ExtensionHandlerJavaClass.processElement(java.lang.String localPart, Element element, TransformerImpl transformer, Stylesheet stylesheetTree, Node sourceTree, Node sourceNode, QName mode, java.lang.Object methodKey)
          Process a call to this extension namespace via an element.
 void ExtensionHandlerJavaPackage.processElement(java.lang.String localPart, Element element, TransformerImpl transformer, Stylesheet stylesheetTree, Node sourceTree, Node sourceNode, QName mode, java.lang.Object methodKey)
          Process a call to this extension namespace via an element.
 void ExtensionHandlerGeneral.processElement(java.lang.String localPart, Element element, TransformerImpl transformer, Stylesheet stylesheetTree, Node sourceTree, Node sourceNode, QName mode, java.lang.Object methodKey)
          Process a call to this extension namespace via an element.

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.extensions with parameters of type QName
XSLProcessorContext.XSLProcessorContext(TransformerImpl transformer, Stylesheet stylesheetTree, Node sourceTree, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Create a processor context to be passed to an extension.

Uses of QName in org.apache.xalan.processor

Methods in org.apache.xalan.processor with parameters of type QName
 boolean XSLTSchema.elementAvailable(QName elemName)
          Determines whether the passed element name is present in the list of available elements.
abstract  void CompiledTemplate.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Main entry point for the Template transformation.

Uses of QName in org.apache.xalan.templates

Fields in org.apache.xalan.templates declared as QName
 QName ElemCallTemplate.m_templateName
          An xsl:call-template element invokes a template by name; it has a required name attribute that identifies the template to be invoked.
 QName ElemAttributeSet.m_qname
          The name attribute specifies the name of the attribute set.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.templates that return QName
 QName ElemTemplate.getName()
          Get the "name" attribute.
 QName ElemTemplate.getMode()
          Get the "mode" attribute.
 QName ElemWithParam.getName()
          Get the "name" attribute.
 QName[] ElemUse.getUseAttributeSets()
          Get the "use-attribute-sets" attribute.
 QName DecimalFormatProperties.getName()
          Get the "name" attribute.
 QName ElemCallTemplate.getName()
          Get the "name" attribute.
 QName KeyDeclaration.getName()
          Get the "name" attribute.
 QName ElemAttributeSet.getName()
          Get the "name" attribute.
 QName ElemApplyTemplates.getMode()
          Get the mode attribute for this element.
 QName ElemVariable.getName()
          Get the "name" attribute.
 QName OutputProperties.getQNameProperty(QName key)
          Searches for the qname property with the specified key in the property list.
 QName OutputProperties.getQNameProperty(java.lang.String key)
          Searches for the qname property with the specified key in the property list.
static QName OutputProperties.getQNameProperty(java.lang.String key, java.util.Properties props)
          Searches for the qname property with the specified key in the property list.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.templates with parameters of type QName
 void ElemTemplateElement.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Execute the element's primary function.
 void ElemTemplate.setName(QName v)
          Set the "name" attribute.
 void ElemTemplate.setMode(QName v)
          Set the "mode" attribute.
 void ElemTemplate.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Copy the template contents into the result tree.
 void ElemWithParam.setName(QName v)
          Set the "name" attribute.
 void ElemUse.setUseAttributeSets(QName[] v)
          Set the "use-attribute-sets" attribute.
 void ElemUse.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Copy attributes specified by use-attribute-sets to the result tree.
 void ElemLiteralResult.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Copy a Literal Result Element into the Result tree, copy the non-excluded namespace attributes, copy the attributes not of the XSLT namespace, and execute the children of the LRE.
 void ElemExtensionCall.executeFallbacks(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Execute the fallbacks when an extension is not available.
 void ElemExtensionCall.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Execute an extension.
 void ElemIf.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Conditionally execute a sub-template.
 void ElemNumber.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Execute an xsl:number instruction.
 ElemTemplate TemplateList.getTemplate(QName qname)
          Locate a named template.
 ElemTemplate TemplateList.getTemplate(XPathContext xctxt, Node targetNode, QName mode, int maxImportLevel, boolean quietConflictWarnings)
          Given a target element, find the template that best matches in the given XSL document, according to the rules specified in the xsl draft.
 void DecimalFormatProperties.setName(QName qname)
          Set the "name" attribute.
 void ElemPI.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Create a processing instruction in the result tree.
 void ElemTextLiteral.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Copy the text literal to the result tree.
 DecimalFormatProperties Stylesheet.getDecimalFormat(QName name)
          Get an "xsl:decimal-format" property.
 ElemVariable Stylesheet.getVariableOrParam(QName qname)
          Get an "xsl:variable" or "xsl:param" property.
 ElemVariable Stylesheet.getVariable(QName qname)
          Get an "xsl:variable" property.
 ElemParam Stylesheet.getParam(QName qname)
          Get an "xsl:param" property.
 void Stylesheet.setNonXslTopLevel(QName name, java.lang.Object obj)
          Set found a non-xslt element.
 java.lang.Object Stylesheet.getNonXslTopLevel(QName name)
          Get a non-xslt element.
 void ElemForEach.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Execute the xsl:for-each transformation
 void ElemForEach.transformSelectedNodes(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, ElemTemplateElement template, QName mode)
          **For advanced use only** Perform a query if needed, and call transformNode for each child.
 void ElemCallTemplate.setName(QName name)
          Set the "name" attribute.
 void ElemCallTemplate.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Invoke a named template.
 void ElemMessage.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Send a message to diagnostics.
 void KeyDeclaration.setName(QName name)
          Set the "name" attribute.
 void ElemUnknown.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Copy an unknown element to the result tree
 void ElemAttribute.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Create an attribute in the result tree.
 void ElemCopyOf.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          The xsl:copy-of element can be used to insert a result tree fragment into the result tree, without first converting it to a string as xsl:value-of does (see [7.6.1 Generating Text with xsl:value-of]).
 void ElemChoose.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Execute the xsl:choose transformation.
 void ElemAttributeSet.setName(QName name)
          Set the "name" attribute.
 void ElemAttributeSet.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Apply a set of attributes to the element.
 void ElemApplyTemplates.setMode(QName mode)
          Set the mode attribute for this element.
 void ElemApplyTemplates.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Apply the context node to the matching templates.
 void ElemFallback.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          This is the normal call when xsl:fallback is instantiated.
 void ElemFallback.executeFallback(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Execute the fallback elements.
 void ElemCopy.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          The xsl:copy element provides an easy way of copying the current node.
 void ElemElement.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Create an element in the result tree.
 void ElemVariable.setName(QName v)
          Set the "name" attribute.
 void ElemVariable.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Execute a variable declaration and push it onto the variable stack.
 java.util.Vector StylesheetRoot.getAttributeSetComposed(QName name)
          Get a list "xsl:attribute-set" properties that match the qname.
 java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols StylesheetRoot.getDecimalFormatComposed(QName name)
          Given a valid element decimal-format name, return the decimalFormatSymbols with that name.
 ElemTemplate StylesheetRoot.getTemplateComposed(XPathContext xctxt, Node targetNode, QName mode, int maxImportLevel, boolean quietConflictWarnings)
          Get an "xsl:template" property by node match.
 ElemTemplate StylesheetRoot.getTemplateComposed(QName qname)
          Get an "xsl:template" property.
 ElemVariable StylesheetRoot.getVariableOrParamComposed(QName qname)
          Get an "xsl:variable" property.
 void ElemComment.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Execute the xsl:comment transformation
 void ElemApplyImport.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Execute the xsl:apply-imports transformation.
 void ElemParam.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Execute a parameter declaration.
 void ElemValueOf.execute(TransformerImpl transformer, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Execute the string expression and copy the text to the result tree.
 void OutputProperties.setProperty(QName key, java.lang.String value)
          Set an output property.
 java.lang.String OutputProperties.getProperty(QName key)
          Searches for the property with the specified key in the property list.
 void OutputProperties.setBooleanProperty(QName key, boolean value)
          Set an output property.
 boolean OutputProperties.getBooleanProperty(QName key)
          Searches for the boolean property with the specified key in the property list.
 void OutputProperties.setIntProperty(QName key, int value)
          Set an output property.
 int OutputProperties.getIntProperty(QName key)
          Searches for the int property with the specified key in the property list.
 void OutputProperties.setQNameProperty(QName key, QName value)
          Set an output property with a QName value.
 void OutputProperties.setQNameProperty(java.lang.String key, QName value)
          Set an output property with a QName value.
 QName OutputProperties.getQNameProperty(QName key)
          Searches for the qname property with the specified key in the property list.
 void OutputProperties.setQNameProperties(QName key, java.util.Vector v)
          Set an output property with a QName list value.
 java.util.Vector OutputProperties.getQNameProperties(QName key)
          Searches for the list of qname properties with the specified key in the property list.

Uses of QName in org.apache.xalan.trace

Fields in org.apache.xalan.trace declared as QName
 QName TracerEvent.m_mode
          The current mode.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.trace with parameters of type QName
 void TraceManager.fireTraceEvent(Node sourceNode, QName mode, ElemTemplateElement styleNode)
          Fire a trace event.

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.trace with parameters of type QName
TracerEvent.TracerEvent(TransformerImpl processor, Node sourceNode, QName mode, ElemTemplateElement styleNode)
          Create an event originating at the given node of the style tree.

Uses of QName in org.apache.xalan.transformer

Methods in org.apache.xalan.transformer that return QName
 QName KeyIterator.getName()
          Get the key name from a key declaration this iterator will process
 QName KeyTable.getKeyTableName()
          Get Key Name for this KeyTable
 QName KeyRefIterator.getName()
          Get key name

Methods in org.apache.xalan.transformer with parameters of type QName
 LocPathIterator KeyTable.getNodeSetByKey(QName name, java.lang.String ref)
          Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list.
 LocPathIterator KeyManager.getNodeSetByKey(XPathContext xctxt, Node doc, QName name, java.lang.String ref, PrefixResolver nscontext)
          Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list.
 void TransformerImpl.pushParams(XPathContext xctxt, ElemCallTemplate xslCallTemplateElement, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          Given a template, search for the arguments and push them on the stack.
 DocumentFragment TransformerImpl.transformToRTF(ElemTemplateElement templateParent, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          **For advanced use only** Given a stylesheet element, create a result tree fragment from it's contents.
 java.lang.String TransformerImpl.transformToString(ElemTemplateElement elem, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          **For advanced use only** Take the contents of a template element, process it, and convert it to a string.
 boolean TransformerImpl.applyTemplateToNode(ElemTemplateElement xslInstruction, ElemTemplateElement template, Node child, QName mode)
          **For advanced use only** Given an element and mode, find the corresponding template and process the contents.
 void TransformerImpl.executeChildTemplates(ElemTemplateElement elem, Node sourceNode, QName mode, ContentHandler handler)
          **For advanced use only** Execute each of the children of a template element.
 void TransformerImpl.executeChildTemplates(ElemTemplateElement elem, Node sourceNode, QName mode)
          **For advanced use only** Execute each of the children of a template element.
 void TransformerImpl.executeChildTemplates(ElemTemplateElement elem, Node sourceNode, QName mode, boolean shouldAddAttrs)
          **For advanced use only** Execute each of the children of a template element.

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.transformer with parameters of type QName
KeyIterator.KeyIterator(Node doc, PrefixResolver nscontext, QName name, java.util.Vector keyDeclarations, XPathContext xctxt)
          Constructor KeyIterator
KeyTable.KeyTable(Node doc, PrefixResolver nscontext, QName name, java.util.Vector keyDeclarations, XPathContext xmlLiaison)
          Build a keys table.

Uses of QName in org.apache.xml.utils

Methods in org.apache.xml.utils that return QName
static QName QName.getQNameFromString(java.lang.String name)
          Given a string, create and return a QName object

Uses of QName in org.apache.xpath

Methods in org.apache.xpath that return QName
 QName Arg.getQName()
          Get the qualified name for this argument.

Methods in org.apache.xpath with parameters of type QName
 void VariableStack.pushOrReplaceVariable(QName qname, XObject xval)
          Push an argument onto the stack, or replace it if it already exists.
 void VariableStack.pushVariable(QName qname, XObject val)
          Push an argument onto the stack.
 boolean VariableStack.variableIsDeclared(QName qname)
          Tell if a variable or parameter is already declared, either in the current context or in the global space.
 Arg VariableStack.getParamArg(QName qname)
          Get the variable argument.
 XObject VariableStack.getVariable(XPathContext xctxt, QName name)
          Given a name, return an object representing the value.
 XObject XPathContext.getVariable(QName qname)
          Given a name, locate a variable in the current context, and return the Object.
 void Arg.setQName(QName name)
          Set the qualified name for this argument.

Constructors in org.apache.xpath with parameters of type QName
Arg.Arg(QName qname, java.lang.String expression, boolean isParamVar)
          Construct a parameter argument that contains an expression.
Arg.Arg(QName qname, XObject val)
          Construct a parameter argument which has an XObject value.
Arg.Arg(QName qname, XObject val, boolean isParamVar)
          Construct a parameter argument.

Uses of QName in org.apache.xpath.operations

Methods in org.apache.xpath.operations with parameters of type QName
 void Variable.setQName(QName qname)
          Set the qualified name of the variable.

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